Yellow Coconut Chair by George Nelson at Wright

Yellow Coconut Chair by George Nelson. Recently at Wright. Sold for $2,772.


Why Hilda loves the Marshmallow Sofa

Marshmallow Sofa by George Nelson
Hilda Marshmallow sofa

The Hilda Stories: The Woman on the Marshmallow Sofa from Herman Miller on Vimeo.

Why Hilda loves the Marshmallow Sofa

Hilda Longinotti has worked with George Nelsons for 21 years. Listen why she loves the Marshmellow Sofa.
An excellent story for our Chairchez La Femme series and found on the Herman Miller blog.

Blue Coconut Chairs by George Nelson

Blue Coconut Chairs by George Nelson

Blue Coconut Chairs by George Nelson

We’ll stick to blue in May 2013

Mid-Century Chair

Mid-Century Chair

Mid-Century Chair

Suddenly I realize that in the English language “Mid Century Chair” is ment for the 19 40ies 50ies and 60ies. Vintage in Dutch is usually used for the same period, but Vintage in English – according to Google at least – seems to be ment for earlier periods…

Nevertheless, the above embedded Flickr photo shows an interesting re-interpretation of a Marshmallow Sofa by George Nelson, albeit one of the commenters to the photo mentions Irving Harper of George Nelson Studio as the one who deserves the credit

Marshmallow Sofa by George Nelson – 2012 IMM Cologne (13)

Marshmallow Sofa by George Nelson

Marshmallow Sofa by George Nelson – 2012 IMM Cologne (13)

Glad to be able to share my own photo of this colorful famous sofa with you. I found it at the Doshi Levien curated booth at 2012 IMM Cologne.