We’ve Migrated to Amsterdam

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After enduring may outages and database errors we’ve decided to change hosting from a London based Virtual Private server to an Amsterdam based Virtual private server in the hope the site will perform better than it did lately. Also I hope now that this has done, we can go back to publishing a lot about chairs!

In addition I’ve now moved the social thingies to the top of each post. I believe they are important to enhance the chair lovers community, even at a cost of page load time.

If you want to read more about the ramifications, I can point you to the post on our sister blog Happy Hotelier: To VPS or Not to VPS?

Thank you all for all your patience with us.

Also, if you wish to give us feedback about our performance, please do so here, or on our FB page.

6 thoughts on “We’ve Migrated to Amsterdam”

  1. Humm, Guido, did you know the buttons can only be seen if one opens a post itself now? Before they were easier accessed and were showing even if one was just viewing the posts on the homepage as you go…

  2. Oh and btw, isn’t it just right that a Netherlands based blog is now operating on a local hosting site? 🙂

  3. Julia,
    I was just testing whether the buttons stood in the way of proper feedreader settings for feedburner. They are back now. But I still have a feeling they influence the feedburner outcome.

    Yes! I believe we should be hosted in The Netherlands, but not at all cost.

  4. Yes, I see them being back now!

    And I believe Julia needs a trip to the Netherlands too lol Always wanted but never had a chance yet!

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