Category: couch
Halloween Seating (1)
Okay, especially for Halloween a bit of horror seating. First of all Sara Palin on her grizzly bear covered couch. Luckily the horror of having her actively engaged in politics seems to be over. Now she can live her own grizzly life;-)
Moody Series by Hanna Emelie Ernsting

The seating series “Moody” by the designer Hanna Emelie Ernsting follows the idea that “form follows moods” and consists of three pieces: Moody Couch, Moody Nest and Moody Bag.

The origin of the concept is the observation that in the modern world people forget to relax and this is where the Moody series comes in, inviting the user to “express feelings and “let go”. This kind of letting go leaves traces, causing the product to change and adjust to the moods of its user by taking various shapes and forms – the product becomes ‘alive’.

Watch the Moody Nest in action following this link!
Oink – Pig Couch Hillhock by Pavia Burroughs
Discovered this pig couch by Philadelphia, USA, based Pavia Burroughs via Moggit. Pavia designed it for her senior thesis show.
It was on Etsy, but disappeared there.
Last edited by Guido J. van den Elshout on December 1, 2011 at 12:45
Heretic Coffin Couch by Autum
Heritic is an apt name for a Coffin Couch created by US based Autum. Photography by Philip Ritchie
Made from an 18 gauge steel coffin. The Heretic features 4 cast iron legs that support over 800 pounds, a hand built and sewn seating area tailored from Italian leather, and a roman numeral laser engraved ID plaque. Excuses for its overwhelming personality not included. Limited production run of 3.
Found via Whitezine.