Gem Chair by Brian Dreesman
What better design to open a new week on Chair Blog with than this Gem of a Chair by Brian Dreesman? A Gem in many respects, the eye catcher being that it is a new approach to chair design not seen before in the over 3,000 chairs we have featured by now.
I have a feeling Brian has a Dutch or German ancestry. Not only by his name, but also because I see some early 20ieth century design parallels in this chair. Strait lines, no curves was typically what Berlage prior to De Stijl and Rietveld as member of De Stijl propagated.
In addition this seems a comfy chair and comfy was not typically something those famous early 20ieth century chairs stood out by.
Brian is a Studio Artist, recently graduated from Iowa State University. He found inspiration for this chair by the way gem stones are set in jewelry.
This is what I would call De Stijl 21st Century!
I’m sorry but I can’t agree with you on this one. it reminds me of a pair of laundry / recycle baskets from ikea. it guess it proves beauty is in the eye of the beholder because it looks so uncomfortable and dysfunctional to me. 🙂
I have a feeling it is more comfortable than in your eye;-) What triggered my interest is the similarities with the early 20ieth century design. Given more time I’ll address it more in detail somewhere in the future;-)