Armchair Cruisers

Well.. There we are.. Starting from left to right is Pat Ferguson, Sandy Helton, Dan Helton, and of course David Ferguson aka.. Ferg. Clearly the brains and looks are to the Left!! We are the owners of the company.

I would like to take a moment to share with you who we are, what we do, and why we are so passionate about it.

From a small shop in Demotte Indiana these creations were labored over, loved and loved some more until they are a polished piece of mobile art. It is more then art though. It is a comfortable, well built, reinforced, Super chair with the latest technology available. You could say that we are the hardest working, laziest guys, on the planet. Professional couch potatoes may even be an accurate statement here.

We create machines for individuals as well as corporations. Each machine can be hand crafted to your specific needs.

Via Armchair Cruisers

Animi Causa Golfball Sofa

Cleaning up and publishing old drafts:

Not that I am into golfing myself. I have tried it, but it takes too much time.

The Anima Causa Feel Seating System is bizarre enough to call it hot. The system is comprised of 120 fabric covered balls which are connected by elastics. The Anima Causa seeting system moves around you, you can fold it up, and position it any way you like. Unfortunately, I think you need someone inside it to make it look cool. Otherwise it may look like any other pile of fabric balls in your house. 😉

Via Trendhunter and Elit Alice

danilo calvache design blog: chain sofa

chain sofa Danilo Calvache

Chain is a set of 3 pieces that joint together with more pieces create landscape furniture resembling the image of a chain on the floor. All the pieces are base on a 40cmd diameter circle extruded along the chain shapes. The whole landscape furniture can be used as sitting objects.

danilo calvache design blog: chain