Amanda Levete

I’m not sure why I Tumblrd this post back in 2008, but it had something to do with Amanda Levete.

Via Designboom

Last edited by gje on June 27, 2010 at 3:07 PM

Mind Chair by Peter Marigold

Peter Marigold created the Mind Chair together with Beta Tank. It’s first public appearance is at MoMa’s Design and the Elastic Mind exposition starting February 24, 2008. The idea is to “see” images with the skin of your back.

Via Design Boom

Moved here from my Tumblr Log.

Reversible Bikini Lounger by Wiel Arets for Gutzz

Bikini Chair
Bikini Chair by Wiel Arets
Bikini Chair in Black and in White
Bikini Chair in Black and white by Wiel Arets

About the Reversible Bikini Lounger

Apparently this is the first ever chair that Gutzz produces. The chair is yet in preproduction phase.

Gutzz Logo
Gutzz Claims:

A reversible reclining chair. It looks so simple, but crazily enough no one has ever thought of it before. Top architect and designer Wiel Arets together with Gutzz has managed to come up with a uniquely shaped chair on which you can lie on your back or on your front to sun yourself. Courage and innovative thinking have gone into this magnificently designed, extremely comfortable and ergonomic chaise longue upholstered in luxury fabric.

I dare to claim that there are more reversible designs around. See for instance the Chair 777.

About Wiel Arets

Wiel Arets
Wiel Arets

Born in The Netherlands in 1955. He established Wiel Arets Architect & Associates in Heerlen in 1984. He has held a number of academic positions. From 1988 to 1992 he was Diploma Unit Master at the Architectural Association London. From 1991 to 1994 he was Visiting Professor at Columbia University in New York. In 1992 he was visiting Professor at Cooper Union in New York. Furthermore from 1995 to 2002 he was dean of the Berlage Institute Rotterdam. Since 2004 he is professor at the University of Arts in Berlin. In the same year he established a second office in Amsterdam.

Among his most innovative projects are the Academy of Art and Architecture in Maastricht and the University Library in Utrecht.

Via Dutch language Architecten Web.

Chair Blog | Tumblr – Episode 1

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Just testing and rummaging around.

This Mini Blog is my scrap book for Chair Blog