Ring Armchair

Ring Armchair by Nanna Ditzel

Ring Armchair by Nanna Ditzel Sideview

Ring Armchair

Found this wooden chair with wool upholstery by Nanna and Joergen Ditzel at the 1stdibs site where the Dealer Post Modern accidentally calls Nanna Nina….. €1.942,47 seems a very reasonable price, but it is a brand new reproduction by Danish manufacturer Getama


It all started with the Bondage Chair by Allen Jones.


Bjarne-Melgaard-Allen-Jones-Remake 7538810

Which chair had to be remade by Bjarne Melgaard.

Last year the virtual world exploded when Russian socialite, fashionista and art collector Dasha Zhukova (married to Roman Abramowich) was pictured on Bjarne Melgaard’s version for an interview with Russian buro 24/7/. It was published on the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. which was wideley misunderstood and critisized on the internet. See for instance the Hollywood Reporter.


According to Art Info:

Melgaard and his dealer, Gavin Brown, are taking a different tack. In a statement sent to ARTINFO today, the pair called the photo of Zhukova “extraordinary” and said they “applaud both the sitter and the seated.” The duo goes on to say, “To fault the sitter, now in the age of the Anthroposcene, in the midst of extraordinary and REAL obscenities that threaten our actual existence, reflects a civilization that is not dying but already dead.”


The Urban wrote about a photoshoot for the Sir NY spring collection with an answer to the Melgaard chair.


And Pierluigi Vecchi linked me to a male white and male black models photo as an answer.

Finally hmvm mentioned the Proportion London with Rick Owens male model submitting himself as a model for a chair. This may close the (chair)gate…


Not entirely. As I discovered this comical cartoon by Dutch Cartoonist Ruben Oppenheimer:
Putin seated on Rutte, the Dutch prime minister. “Citius Altius Fortius” is Latin for “Faster, Higher, Stronger”.

Dali Hot Lips Sofa

Dali Hot Lips Sofa_DSC4830kl

At the occasion of the 2015 Biennale of Venice the Spanish paviljon paid a tribute to Salvador Dali where I found this hot lips sofa. The original was designed after Mae West’s lips by Dali in 1938.



Tree Hugging Chairs

Found these Tree Hugging chairs on the www. No source.
The story

These chairs were laid out for a wedding in 1939 in Poland. The wedding was abandoned, and so were the chairs due to the German invasion. They were found again after the war with the trees growing through them. Every year they are repainted.

To me it sounds like an urban legend…

Again: Hutten’s Berlage Chair

Berlage Chair by Hutten backsides

Again: Hutten’s Berlage Chair

When I visited the Gemeentemuseum Again they were still there 😉