R and B Chair 2 by Martin Campbell
Via cassandragon and http://www.flickr.com/photos/11366332@N02/6716853077/ by benditwhipitkidder (=Martin Campbell) on Flickr.
Chairs, Chair Design and Chair Designers
Via cassandragon and http://www.flickr.com/photos/11366332@N02/6716853077/ by benditwhipitkidder (=Martin Campbell) on Flickr.
Via actegratuit.
Via leziglezag:
CNC Facet Chair
Via chairstalker:
Michael Thonet, Chair No. 14 (1859) Via Phaidon Design Classics:
Probably the single most commercially successful chair ever produced (50 million sold between 1859 and 1930), No. 14 embodies the radical developments of Michael Thonet’s pioneering steam bending process, which paved the way for mass-produced furniture