Chair Blog Maintenance

Rapair a Chair Leg by Universal Upholstering

When your blog grows, its maintenance grows. Sigh.

A little update:

  • Sadly I had to replace the very handy page navigation slider (called paginator) here above with a more conventional page navigation plugin (WP PageNavi), because it gave too many 404 errors.
  • Also I had to replace the translation (translator) plugin in the sidebar for a simpler Google Translate widget, because it generated too many errors and server issues.
  • I found a nifty plugin Broken Link Checker that will help us weed out all dead links. Consequently many comments with dead links or of a spammy nature will be deleted in the process.
  • Finally the social buttons are moved. Now you can find them below separate posts rather than on pages.

All measures are aimed to have the blog load as fast and smoth as possible.

Back under the hood.

I found the image at Universal Upholstering

Ambrozijn Chair by Melle Koot

Ambrozijn Chair by Melle Koot

Melle Koot about his Ambrozijn Chair:

The frame of the Ambrozijn chair is made of either domestic (Dutch) or recycled timber. The joints between the various components remain visible, enabling one to view the way the chair is constructed. The seat is available in four colours of felt; dark-brown, dark-grey, light-grey and white. The chair is a Cradle to Cradle design.

via Melle Koot.

Rapunzel Chair by Kenneth Cobonpue

Rapunzl Chair by Kenneth Cobonpue
Rapunzl Chair by Kenneth Cobonpue
Rapunzl Chair by Kenneth Cobonpue

Wonderful one this Rapunzel Chair by Kenneth Cobonpue

This Hairy Chair Needs a Cut

Hairy Chair by Matt Sindall

As Matt Sindall put this chair on our FaceBook page without further explanation – BTW thank you Matt! – I take it this Hairy Chair is in dire need of a hairdresser;-)

Steampunk Chair by Overclock

Now how about this? The Steampunk chair with ties at the wrists, torso and legs… with a 65mm leather seat on a steel frame.

Found on Etsy, but link lost