Hairy Stiletto Chair by Ronald Thompson

Hairy Stletto Chair

Ronald Thompson started as a professional hairdresser. Hence his hair fetishism. This Stiletto Chair is made from 100% human hair mixed with polyester matrix, rather than from glass reinforced polyester. Studies show the mixture with hair to be 20% stronger than with glass. Future chairs will be made with bio-resins. Eventually Ronnies aim is to create a sustainable and degradable chair. In the UK alone there are 2.800 tonnes human hair put in the waste bin. Ronnie is now looking to other use of the material to further it.

Via Pilius X Design.

Wright mistook a J&J Kohn Rocking Lounger for a Thonet Rocking Lounger

Thonet Rocking Lounger

Some time ago I mentioned this Rocking Lounger that was auctioned at Wright. They attributed it to Thonet. Rather it is a J&J Kohn Lounger as the following 2 excerpts from a 1904 Catalog of both firms clearly demonstrate:

Many thanks to the Chairblog Reader, a real Thonet aficionado based here in Europe, who kindly has sent me the 2 excerpts.

He owns an original himself, you see:

Tees Chair by Jonas Klein

Tees Chair by Jonas Klein
Yes, you read it correctly: a Tees Chair, not a Tease Chair and certainly not a Tea Chair. Danish designer Jonas Klein used 1648 Golftees to make this chair seatable.


Empty Chair by Maarten Baas

Empty Chair by Maarten Baas

Maarten Baas informed us his Empty Chair for Amnesty International had been on display at Ventura Berlin 26 October – 29 October 2011.

(and this is post number 2,800)

High Back Beach Chair with Sleeping Beauty

Browsing in the Flickr Commons I found this High Back Beach Chair photo dating from 1917. The High Back Beach Chair was common in Scheveningen from around the 1850ies until the 1960ies. The inside is clearly lined with a nice warm blanket. So the photo was not taken in high summer.
In my post Kaigan for Ahrend you can find more about this model.