Halloween Seating (5) – Witch Chicken Bone Chair

And what to think of this Witch Chicken Bone Chair by Labyrinth Creations?

Halloween Seating (4) – Skull and Bones Chair by Keith Tyson

Skull and Bones Chair by Keith Tyson

Via Joanne Mattera

Halloween Seating (3) – Frankenstein

Frankenstein Chair

And here some second life horror chairs featuring – who else – Frankenstein among others.

via Vinyl Cafe Addicts

Halloween Seating (2) – Face Chair by Naviti

Face Chair by Naviti

Next is the Face Chair by Naviti on Deviant Art

Halloween Seating (1)

Sara Palin Grizzly Bear Chair

Okay, especially for Halloween a bit of horror seating. First of all Sara Palin on her grizzly bear covered couch. Luckily the horror of having her actively engaged in politics seems to be over. Now she can live her own grizzly life;-)