The Best of Chair Blog in September 2011

1) Unifying Your Furniture: a Chair ‘Dress’ from Maezm: 455 views

2) The Best of Chair Blog in August 2011: 445 views

Flexible Sandwich Chaise by François Azambourg

3) Upcycled Traffic Sign “Transit” Tall Back Chair by Boris Bally: 442 views

4) In Memoriam Chairs by Oil Monkey: 412 views

In Memoriam Chairs

5) Old Plastic Roller Blinds Become A Chair: TRIS by Tenenbaum Hazan: 403 views

The best of Chair Blog in September 2011

That time again. The first of Oktober 2011, time to review The Best of September.
43,596 visits with 95,517 page views, despite various outages, notably on September 16,17, 18 and 29. That kept the number of posts lower (54 vs 65 in August) than anticipated, as, behind the screens, we are working toward a solution for these unwanted outages…

No reactions to my question whether we should do a weekly “best of”…besides no time for it as well.

September was coined “Yellow Chair Month”. Wat do you think of the idea?

Yellow You’re My Chair I’m Yours by Shigeo Fukuda

Yellow You're My Chair I'm Yours by

One month is too short to feature all interesting yellow chairs, or, to put it otherwise: September flew by.
This is the last post of September in our yellow chair series: A chair installation by Japanese artist Shigeo Fukuda.

Yellow Raw Lounge Chair by Jens Fager

Yellow Raw Lounge Chair by Jens Fager
Yellow Raw Lounge Chair by Jens Fager
Via Architonic.

Yellow Hee Lounge Chair by Hee Welling

Yellow Hee Lounge Chair

Yellow Hee Lounge Chair by Hee Welling.

Via La Fabrika.