F1 – Lounge Chair by Alexander Christoff

F1 - Lounge Chair by  Alexander Christoff Front
F1 - Lounge Chair by  Alexander Christoff Side view

F1 – Inspired Lounge Chair

Ferrari F1 inspired Chair by Bulgarian based chair designer Alexander Christoff

Via Behance.

Active sitting by Alexander Christoff

Active sitting by Alexander Christoff

And a ball chair variation by Bulgaria based Alexander Christoff.

Via the Behance Network

Ferrari Inspired Lounge Chairs

One by Bulgarian designer Alexander Christoff

And one by Arthur Reyes Jr.

Via a post 15 Coolest Lounge Chairs, most of which we’ve featured here already sometime, I found a link to these Ferari inspired lounge chairs. Oddee found the second one at Born Rich and I found the first one also at Born Rich which found it at Behancé.