Golden Chair by Fredrik Mattson

Golden Chair by Fredrik Mattson is a 24 carat gold covered version of his TBS chair, design inspired by Mattson’s ‘Golden Chair’ award. Simple, but definitely makes a statement!

fredrik mattson exhibition

Fellows, produced by bla station, 2008 fredrik mattson exhibition from: june 18 to august 10, 2008 at: form/design centre, malmo, sweden swedish designer fredrik mattson is known for his simplistic and colorful style. he has designed for companies such as bla station and zero. some of his most recognisable works are perhaps the innovation chair and the snooze chair. the exhibition features mattson’s work from early on his career until present. view more: related: stockholm furniture fair

Via Design Boom

Tivoli Chair by Fredrik Mattson

The Tivoli chair can be experienced at the SE-exhibition until November 11th 2007 in Copenhagen and in January 2008 in Silkeborg. The Chair is the result of a collaborating experiment between PP Mobler and Swedish designer Frederik Mattson. The chair is made of ash wood, one of PP Mobler’s preferred materials. For the production itself they have used compressed wood, taking it to the extreme here by shaping four glued pieces of compressed wood that with the use of form-bending are able to rotate as a closed curve around a fixed axis. The shape of the curve is thus fixated, while the size grows bigger and bigger in a geometrical progression, thus the spiral shape makes up the chair’s seat, back, and sides. The shaping of the chair demands precision craftsmanship and specific treatment of the material. From the foot of the chair, made of red painted ash wood, there are six steel wires that at the end each have a glove shaped holder that both provides a strong grip and stabilizes the flexible spiral.

via Freshome