Armchair by Jacobus Johannes Pieter Oud

Armchair by Jacobus Johannes Pieter Oud SideJacobus Johannes Pieter Oud Side

Armchair by Jacobus Johannes Pieter Oud

Found this on Pinterest where they assumed there were more Ouds. No, that’s incorrect Jacobus Johannes Pieter was just the one and only Oud, a Dutch Architect who co founded De Stijl Movement and designed several chairs.

Chairs by J.J.P. Oud, 1927


Chairs by J.J.P. Oud

There are only a few chairs by J.J.P. Oud I know of.
Therefore I’m glad when I find some.

Via AnOther Mag.

De Stijl Magazine – J.J.P. Oud Bench vs Berlage Bench

J.J.P. Oud bench in magazine De Stijl
For me learning about De Stijl, a group of artists, designers and architects, but also the name of a Dutch magazine by the same name, is part of uncovering the history of chair design. Therefore I’m sharing this find of the scans of the first 3 volumes of the magazine “De Stijl” by … the University Library of the University of Iowa.
De Stijl magazine was edited by Theo van Doesburg. Leiden, 1917-1932. In total 8 volumes with 90 numbers were published.

The print is from the hall of a Dutch holiday home designed by J.J.P. Oud with benches integrated in the structure of the hall.

Berlage Bench Gemeentemuseum Den Haag

Although Hendrik Petrus Berlage was not part of De Stijl as he was from a slightly older generation of architects, he must have influenced the members of De Stijl. He integrated a bench in a similar way in the The Hague City Museum of Modern Art (Gemeentemuseum Den Haag). Unfortunately The angle of my lens was not wide enough to capture both benches at once:-)

Update 2023: later I found out that Oud knew Berlage and worked with him and thus is most likely influenced by him as well.

Prototype Chair for Royal Dutch Shell by J.J.P. Oud

Prototype Chair for Royal Dutch Shell by J.J.P. Oud

Prototype Chair for Royal Dutch Shell by J.J.P. Oud

This elegant mahogony prototype chair that Jacobus Johannes Pieter Oud (1890-1963) designed for a meeting room of Royal Dutch Shell in 1947 was manufacured by the former Mutters factory here in The Hague. It was recently on display in the Gemeente Mueum of The Hague and got me inspired to look out for more of Oud’s work.

And another J.J.P. Oud Chair




As usual, from one post comes another. I found another chair by Jacobus Johannes Pieter Oud (1890-1963). This one seems earlier than his two chairs I shared with you here earlier.

Also because I have a slight feeling that the original color of at least the seating was de Stijl Group primary red…Another detail is the strange and seemingly contradiction between a well curved frame and a rather uncomfortable seating with no curve at all, sharp edges and no backward inclination of the seating…

Via Deconet.