Kandissi Sofa by Studio Alchimia

Kandissi Sofa by Alessandro Mendini's Studio Alchimia

Kandissi Sofa by Studio Alchimia

I took this photo September 24, 2011 in the Milan Triennale Design Museum

Kandissi, a lacquered wooden sofa with fabric – upholstered padding was inspired by Wassily Kandinsky, and is the fruit of a perfectly coherent cross-pollination with the Russian Master’s theories. Kandissi is part of the Bau-Haus 1 collection designed in 1978 by the Studio Alchimia group, founded two years earlier by Alessandro and Adriana Guerriero, and that soon attracted a fresh, erudite, experimental and provocative sensivity, turning the international design system upside down

Milan Triennale Design Museum – 14


Bisexual Architecture by Alessandro Mendini


“Bisexual Architecture”, #AlessandroMendini for #StudioAlchimia, 1981 #PostAvantGarde #NeoModernism

Redesigning Thonet by Alessandro Mendini, 1979

via maxenrich [disappeared]:

Alessandro Mendini, Redesigning Thonet, Studio Alchimia, 1979