milan design week 2008 preview: blueprint 2008 —- ‘space oddities’ by fashion designers jay quek & madeline wong, posse and product designers wendy chua & gabriel tan, outofstock designsingapore council is presenting the unique collaborative project ‘blueprint 2008’ during the salone del mobile. the exhibit will features teams consisting of fashion designers and product designers from singapore. the idea is to dissolve the boundaries between the disciplines though collaboration. five groups will be on show, each showing furniture influenced by fashion and fashion influenced by products at bagutta showroom at via tortona 35. group 1: fasion designer ben wu, tian and product designer jason ong, jienshu group 2: fashion designer nic wong, nicholas and product designer jarrod lim group 3: fashion designers jay quek & madeline wong, posse and product designers wendy chua & gabriel tan, outofstock group 4: fashion designer chia wei choong, antebellum and product designer, exit design group 5: fashion designer desmond yang, abyzz and product designers brian law & tan sixiu, crispdesign
via designboom