33 thoughts on “Thonet Catalogue 1937”

  1. I LOVE this image!
    I am a student of historical design and we recently went over Thonet (the bent wood chairs) in a class, so the name was fresh in my head and this really caught my eye. I will probably reblog this to my tumblr blog, it’s too good 🙂

  2. I recently bought 6 Thonet dining room chairs at a yard sale. They have the original 1910 Thonet paper label and are stamped Thonet 20, although one chair is stamped 21. They are in solid condition, except the cane seats are missing. Is there any supplier of cane seats to fit this model of a Thonet chair? Also, are the stamped numbers actually the chair model number? Any idea of what they are worth? Thanks for any information on this.

    1. Hello Robert,
      We have 6 Thonet Chairs. Here in Ghent, Belgium we found an “atelier” where they renew the “cane”.
      Is useful to you? Where are you from?
      Antoine V H

  3. I recently acquired a Thonet chair with markings “Thonet Austria” and can’t seem to find the style of it in any pictures I have researched. It has a round perforated design seat with 6 thin vertical slats on the back. The seat is turned so that there is a leg in front and back and two side to side, instead of the traditional 4 legs side by side. It was my grandmother’s who came to US from Germany in 1920. Any information on how I could find out about this would be appreciated. Thank you!

    1. Great find! Worth money. I have a child chair with same burned stamp plus a paper label which says Wein and no address or anything else…..it is from time when they onky had the one factory (first bentwood shop). He had small shop in Noppard Germany but Wein (Vienna)is where he became famous!!!!

  4. Hi there, I just came across your site while trying to identify some Thonet chairs I recently came into possession of. Paper labels that read Thonet Wien and Austria are on each underside. The front legs are turned and ornate; the back legs are simple though fluted with liner carving. The backs and seats are caned. The backs are rounded, though not like a typical Thonet bentwood chair. They look very Victorian to me, not modern and streamlined like other bentwoods I’ve seen. The finish is reddish, which is lovely and worn. I have not sen any others like them in my image searching, and I wonder if you have seen any like them. I have images of them that I can send to you. I appreciate your time and any info you have.
    Brooklyn, NY

  5. Just recently purchased a thonet bentwood writing arm chair (or gossip chair). the chair does have a thonet tag but we cannot make out the number. the chair has only one arm on the right hand side with a solid seat (not basket weave). does anyone know what this chair? we have searched for two weeks and have not found anything about this chair.

  6. My eye was drawn to your image of the Thonet 1937 catalog while searching for a Thonet chair model number I’ve been unable to identify. I inherited a dining room set from my great aunt who bought it in Vienna c. 1937. The chairs look like the ones on the cover of the 1937 catalog. Would you know what model number they are? Many thanks!

  7. Hi there – Im from Australia, and recently purchased four bentwood chairs from a second hand shop, all with a paper ‘J & J Kohn Wien’ label on the inside rim. They originally had wicker or rattan seats that due to age must have deteriorated and have since been covered with a thin wooden base featuring a decorative print punched out in small holes.
    I have done some internet research and think that they are a copy of the Thonet No.20 model but cannot find anything further, i.e. what year (approx) they were fabricated and whether or not they were prevalent in Australia during this time.
    Would love any insight into the history of these unusual pieces!

  8. does any one know how much does an original thonet bentwood chair (No.14) cost??

  9. Hi there. I picked up a thonet chair second hand but it seems slightly unusual – can I send you some pics to see what you think please? Stuart

  10. Beste Guido,
    Ik neem aan dat u Nederlander bent…I presume that you are Dutch speaking, if not ,please tell me!
    Ik vond je naam in de blog over Thonet stoelen.(april 2012 1:17)
    Wij hebben 8 Thonet stoelen type 79 210 , waarvan alle vlechtwerk zou moeten vernieuwd worden: zitting en rug (foto kan ik doorsturen.
    We kochten die aan in +-1980 bij een meubelzaak met naam “Van Praet” ergens uit Belgisch Limburg.
    Deze meubels hebben een zekere emotionele waarde voor ons daar we ze aankochten na een huisbrand.
    Weet u een firma in Belgie die dit minitieus werk aankan?
    Wij wonen vlak bij Gent.
    Dank voor een gunstig antwoord
    A.Van Hoorebeke tel 09/3626205

  11. Commenting / replying to:
    Alicia October 8, 2012 at 5:00 AM
    Robert Saulmon July 9, 2011 at 4:13 AM

    I’m based in Melbourne Australia. Regularly trawl Op shops (Thrift Shops) & Sunday markets for interesting things. Restorable No 14 & 18 Bistro Chairs now virtually impossible to find, but I have acquired a small number of other bentwood styles. Old, tired, but eminently restorable. Plenty of good repros available, mostly out of Poland. If You’re in Melbourne, OZ, COBRA CANE, Wellington St Collingwood, does replacement cane seats. If it’s economic to do it in OZ, it should be a no-brainer that getting replacement seats in the States or Europe should be a piece of cake. Parts probably out of China, but hey, Old man Thonet would have loved the notion of a global industry producing parts that come together to form brilliantly useful, functional and stylish manufactured goods. Also, check your local THONET shop if you have one in your city. You may just find broken bits are available as spare parts. Perhaps a new blog may not be innapropriate to discuss issues such as restoration steaming techniques and best glues.

    1. Niet direct, maar als ik het niet vergeet zal ik u een naam e-mailen van een Belgische Thonet verzamelaar die dat vast wel weet.

  12. Alvast bedankt Guido!
    Ik vernam van een invoerder dat Thonet de stoelen wil/kan herstellen
    maar dit kost verschrikkelijk veel geld temeer dat ook de kosten van vervoer zeer hoog zijn.
    Ik denk eerder aan om voor de nodige losse stukken “vlechtwerken” ( voor 8 zittingen en 8 rugleuningen) eventueel bij Thonet prijs te vragen en ze dan hier lokaal eventueel te laten herstellen.
    – Zou ik dit zelf kunnen?
    – Zou daar informatie/literatuur over bestaan (technieken, weetjes, probleemoplossingen)
    – kan ik daar op het net iets over vinden?
    – wat is de juiste benaming van die typische vlechttechniek
    -welke vezel of grondstof is de “mat”
    dank voor antwoord met goede raad!
    mvr gr
    Antoine Van Hoorebeke

  13. Hello I live in Michigan U.S.A and recently bought a small rocking chair at a sale. It has a label with the name Thonet under the seat in the front also Thonet Austria burned in next to the label. The number 8 is on the front bar between the rockers. It has wood pads on the arms and has been refinished but not under the seat. I found a similar childs rocker by Thonet on the internet but the side rails that go hold the back on don’t have the bent curl at the top mine are flat but are indented. I love it and will not sell it but would love more imformation on it. I would appreiciate any help that you are able to give me, THANK YOU

  14. Hi there, in case of interest, we have just added this original Thonet catalogue into our offer. Thanks for looking at our website. Regards Paul

  15. I have 3 chairs with the stamp tho net Wien they have round front legs a square seat that once was ratten. Can you give me some idea of age and what they could be worth.
    Kind regards

  16. I have a very old Thonet chair with a paper Thonet One Park Avenue of New York label. Part of the tag is torn away, but it looks like a number 6. Can anyone tell me more about the chair and what it might be worth?

  17. Greetings from Singapore. Can you assist with information on Mundus chairs? I understand that they merged with Thonet and Kohn in 1914. My wife inherited two Mundus coffee shop chairs and a companion table. They came from an old Singapore coffee shop. The Mundus label on the bottom of the seat is clearly visible with no other name sharing the label. Beneath Mundus are 3 Chinese characters and the country name Poland. A separate label in the centre of the underside has almost completely deteriorated. A few letters are all that can be discerned. On the seat frame as well as the underside of the curved braces on the two sides are stamped the number 18 and the letter B. On the top of the seat you can still see the word GREETINGS surrounded by flowers and leaves, although this has been severely faded by time and many thousands of patrons posteriors.

    Any insights and or guidance you might share will be greatly appreciated.

    Many thanks and regards,

  18. Hi, I have a Thonet chair art deco style , just wondering if I could send you a photo to see if you have any information you could share

  19. I emailed thonet ‘s authentication department
    They may be able to help you

    The cane is woven in A wooden ring

    My one chair… They told me was worth approx 250 EU …

  20. I have an old Mundus chair made in Vienna, since 1995. It just have a number in different parts: 26 and no further information. I’m trying to identify the make time (I reckon its maybe 1930s), or other information. I love that chair and I see you have very good knowledge about, do you mind send me more about. Thank you so much.

  21. I have 4 Bentwood chairs (were my grandmothers & always referred to as Austrian) with cane in back & seat & a marking on underneath seat rim
    “E then a bird (?swallow) symbol & M”
    & underneath this stamp there is “S TM”
    I would appreciate any help with origin & value please, i live in Brisbane, Australia.

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