3 thoughts on “A Mystery Sofa”

  1. Okay, aside from the color, this looks *exactly* like the Cray-1 Computer System released in 1976. The only reason I know what a Cray-1 computer system is, is because I saw one on tumblr & thought that it reminded me of a round sofa: http://eloisemoorehead.tumblr.com/post/246518448/
    Now seeing a real seating piece that looks like that, I am kind of stunned, in a completely hilarious way. 🙂

  2. @Eloise
    And you know what?
    You’re at it.
    This is a Cray-1 in the Paris Museum of Communication in the big Arch.
    I thought the same as you when I saw it.
    You’ve earned an Easter Egg and ruined my little April Fool’s Day prank:-) And very early:-)

  3. No. Way.
    I’m sorry to have busted up the prank so early! I cant believe it! I had no idea. Someone really needs to come out with a design for this computer as a sofa in reality 🙂

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