LEC was designed by Jouko Jarvisalo, the chief designer and artistic director of Mobel. Mobel‘s well-known Kolo Armchair blown me away with its minimalism and steel structural statement sometime ago, and now I love this tilted auditorium chair set even more. The frame epoxy coated steel, and the seat and backrest is made with plywood. The plywood parts can also be layered with laminate or fabric. The stiff and strong construction requires only 2 legs for a group of 4-5 seats and offers more freedom to plan technical installations and facilitates cleaning. Foldable writing tablet can be optionally installed.
About Mobel
Founded in 1996, Mobel designs and markets furniture primarily for the contract market. Design philosophy of the collection embodies the views of the designer without compromises. Mobel furniture represents clean-cut and refined design heritage.
Company’s Chief Designer and Artistic Director is Interior Designer Jouko Järvisalo. The range includes also products designed by Interior Designer Pentti Hakala, Designers Vesa Damski, Teemu Järvi and Heikki Ruoho. The collection has received several internationally recognized design awards over the years.
Mobel acts as marketing company and Huonekalutehdas Korhonen Oy as producer of the collection. Founded in 1910, HKT Korhonen has successfully combined high quality tradition of handicraft and technology. Intense co-operation between the companies and strong emphasis on product development creates excellent prerequisites for advanced technical solutions. The first ever Pro Finnish Design award to be awarded for a piece of furniture was received in 1999 by Mobel for the Kova chair designed by Jouko Järvisalo.
Marketing and sales are conducted in co-operation with professionals in the field of design, mainly architects and interior designers. Mobel products are the preferred choice of people who appreciate timeless and unique interior design and high-class architectural design. They also regard interiors as a significant element of the image of their company and want to invest in the comfort of their quests and their staff.
Product development, sales and administration of the company are located in Kaarina, Finland. The main showroom is situated in Helsinki.
see Mobel