Deck Chairs by Damien Hirst

Did you know Ueber Famous Artist Damien Hirst is into chairs? I knew…I had seen an original deck chair being auctioned somewhere and forgot about posting it here. But now you can have your own Damien Hirst Designed deck chair:

Damien Hirst

Deck chair (blue), designed 2008
Merpauh timber frame and sailcloth fabric with digital print
48 h. x 23 w. x 30 1/2 d., inches


This deck chair by the British artist Damien Hirst is available in six colors, all with differing layouts: blue, black, red, orange, yellow, and lime green. Each chair bares a stainless steel plaque with the artist’s signature.

Please allow 2 – 3 weeks for shipping.

I think I like the orange one to watch our orange (=Dutch) football team play the World Championship Football in South Africa this summer:-)

Via Artware Editions.

3 thoughts on “Deck Chairs by Damien Hirst”

  1. We never thought we’d see “deck chairs” and “Damien Hirst” in the same sentence. Maybe he’s exploring other business pursuits while he takes a break from the art market? Let’s just hope they hold up better than the formaldehyde animals. That shark in the Met isn’t looking too good these days.

  2. I think Damien Hirst is a supurb artist, but these chairs look like you can buy them for $4.99 at Walmart.

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