Scrabble Bench

My favorite find, possibly of the year so far, are these: scrabble furniture! My sister would die. She’s a total Scrabble freak. How cool.

via Offbeathomes

Harmony Modular Grass Bench by Guy Hohmann

Harmony is a modular bench by Guy Hohmann who uses ash, plywood, styrene and artificial turf to comment on man’s relationship with the world around him.
via MoCo Loco: MoCo Submissions

Shelves with a Bench by Stanislav Katz

Shelves with a Bench by Stanislav Katz

was designed by Stanislav Katz, a designer from Latvia

via Fresh Home

Outdoor Bench by Roel van de Beek for Wolters


Via Design Boom’s Daily Candy I noticed this Street Bench by Roel van de Beek for Belgian street furniture manufacturer Wolters.

Toast Bench by Rainer Spehl

Toast Bench by Rainer Spehl

Rainer Spehl is a Berlin-based designer who in addition to collaborating with designer martino gamper on a number of projects, also creates pieces for his own collection. gamper and spehl have collaborated on a series of furniture recycling projects entitled ‘we make remake’. The idea of the series is to collect scrap furniture and materials and reassemble them into completely new pieces. in 2004 they built a custom seating unit for ‘toastbank’, a Berlin café.

Rainer creates equally interesting projects. ‘qoffee’ is a stool shaped like a plastic coffee cup. without a reference for scale you might like these curious cups were the real thing.

via designboom