Swing Chair Loveuse B120 by Zedset

Loveuse B120 by Zedset
Loveuse B120 by Zedset

If you want to enjoy your favorite activity other than sitting behind a desk, then this chair designed by Zedset is certainly the most original solutions. Supposed to optimize the use of a laptop when installed in the Loveuse B120 hangs on your ceiling and will bring a great design to your decor. Price: € 3000.

Via Geek and Hype

As a geek myself, I’d spend more than 10 hours in front the desk staring my computer. I would love to have one of these hanging in my office and help me get away from the stiff chair and curl in the swing and chill. So I looked up where I could buy Loveuse B120 but wasn’t able to find Zedset’s website, neither did searching the keyword Loveuse B120 return any signs of its original source, so lets just admire its picture for now.

La Culla Swing by Luca Sachetti

A fantastic piece at the new LIMN Los Angeles is the La Culla swing by Luca Sacchetti, all fibre optics and faux fur. A real Cocoon Swing for a nap.
via MoCo Loco: MoCo Submissions