Monroe Armchair by Alexander White Awarded

Monroe-Armchair-by-Alexander-WhiteMonroe Chair by Alexander White won the 2011-2012 A’Design Award.
Source: A Design Award.

Black Hidden Light Chair by Giha Woo

Hidden Light Chair by Giha Woo 01
Hidden Light Chair by Giha Woo 03

Chairs an light go well together demonstrates Korean designer Giha Woo with this black version.

Tatlin Sofa by Mario Cananzi

Tatlin sofa by Mario Cananzi

This blue spiral Tatlin Sofa of 1989 by Mario Cananzi was not sold at the recent 20th Century design auction of Venduehuis The Hague. As lot no 119 it was estimated between Euro 1,500 and 2,000.