Chair & Chair by Tatjana Andrejeva



These chairs look very comfortable because of the lines and shape. ‘Chair & Chair’ sofas were inspired by one of the alphabet signs. The chairs designed by Tatiana Bortkevica are made from a wooden carcass, upholstered by soft suede fabric.

Design by Tatiana Bortkevica | Archedia design

London Papardelle by Ron Arad


‘London Papardelle’, ca. 1992
Woven polished bronze, polished bronze.
Produced by The Gallery Mourmans, the Netherlands. Number 6 from the edition of 6 plus 2 artist’s proofs. Base incised with artist’s signature ‘Ron Arad 6/6’.

Estimate: $120,000 – 180,000

Sold at: $224,500

Via Phillips de Pury & Company.

And if you want to know how you can drape this chair over stairs, look at Ron Arad in the Centre Pompidou in Paris

Wave Rocking Chair by Michal Riabic for TON CZ

Wave Rocking Chair by Michal Riabic for Ton front

Wave Rocking Chair by Michal Riabic for TON CZ

by Michal Riabic for TON. A design at the occasion of 150 years of bentwood furniture production in Bystřice pod Hostýnem, CZ.
Via Behance.