Fury! by Roel-Jan Elsinga



by Roel-Jan Elsinga
is not the newest chair to share with you, but it is nice and red and brings some color on an otherwise rainy Sunday in The Hague.

23D Skeleton Chair by Gustav Duesing


23D Skeleton Chair

by Gustav Duesing

Led by the idea of flat packaging and easy assemblage, the single elements of this chair are planar and designed to be slotted into each other, without the necessity of any glue or screws. To maintain their position, all joints are defined as an interlocking system, which, once it is fully assembled, cannot be dissembled again. The formal design concept of this chair is based on the natural form of a skeleton: a central backbone element defines the overall shape of the chair and branches out into a set of ribs forming the seat. The legs are designed to provide a stable position with their shape reflecting the natural load distribution and are therefore reduced to trusses with tension and compression members.

All Fotos by Johannes Foerster

Via http://intheleftfield.tumblr.com/)

Caterpillar Stool by Hyeonil Jeong

Caterpillar Stool by Hyeonil JeongThe Caterpillar chair by Hyeonil Jeong is made out of CNC-cut pieces of plywood woven together using bungee cord to form a flexible seat.

Jeong says, “No matter how stiff each piece is, flexible relation makes a smooth flow. Its elastic connection allows an organic surface movement despite the rigidity of ply-wood material.”

Rousseau X Insa Caillou Lounge Chair


Caillou Lounge Chair by Ben Rousseau

Via Delux Magazine and Ben Rousseau