1) Based Chair by Anastasiya Gavrilova with 473 views.
2) Yellow Fisher Price Miniature Lounge Chair with 467 views.
3) Elephant Chair’s Design Coincidence with 463 views.
4) Eden, the Tenango Sound Chair by Valentina Gonzalez Wohlers with 457 views.
5) “I Have a Dream” Chair Seen in New Jersey with 456 views.
Top Posts Chair Blog Half February, 2012
I believe it was a good idea and I remembered it is half February already. This post is based on our FeedBurner stats of the last 30 days, so it also covers half of January, 2012.
Hardly any hosting issues except last week when they closed us down for 1.5 hours because of fear of an intrusion. It turned out to be a hung backup process. Nothing serious, but again very time consuming.
Congrats to Polley for her first in the top 5! Glad to have her back and Yay: She’s going to the USA for an interior design study later this year. Double congrats!