1) Nest Chair by Tjep, 103 views (but see comment below).
Best of Chair Blog in December 2011
Statistics are always arbitrary. I use our Feedreader statistics to make the monthly overviews of the posts with the most views. But Feedreader eyeballs are not the same as pageviews. Many readers only use their feedreader to check Chairblog and don’t necessarily use their browsers. When I noticed Boing Boing had mentioned the number 1 of this month Nest Chair by Tjep that post got a lot of visits, 1740 in total in December! Feedreader only noticed 103 views and 36 clicks in December. Normally using a counter is not easy as a certain post is for a certain period on our landing page and each time after a new post is published it disappears downward, and is pushed further down. However I thought 1740 visits should put it to the top position, even with only 103 views in Feedreader. As a quit pro quo I’ve added a number 6 for December.
Hosting remained stable in December until December 29, 2011 when we suffered over 9 hours of downtime. In the meantime we have moved the site to another Internet Service provider and keep our fingers crossed.
44,204 visits, 106,709 page views and 102 new posts.
Hope to see you all back in 2012!
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