Turtle Turtle Chair by Cory Grosser

Turtle Turtle Chair by Cory Grosser
Turtle-Turtle by Cory Grosser

Turtle Turtle Chair by Cory Gosser.

Experimenting with quick curating goes on: from the site -> Tumblr (via the Mozilla FireFox add on Tumblr Post by a Swede, David Karlsson) -> Pinterest (via the Pin It Widget -> from there embed the pin into your blog…. probably not the best way…

Golden Upholstery by Ashley Longshore

Golden Upholstery by Ashley Longshore

Golden Upholstery by Ashley Longshore

Eames Side Chair in Gold

Charles & Ray Eames’ Side Chair re-invention by Reha Okay of OkayArt.

Materials: Gold Leaf , Fiberglass, Laquered Metal

Series of Unique Chairs by Nick Ross and Fraser Reid

Series of Unique Chairs by Nick Ross and Fraser Reid

Series of Unique Chairs by Nick Ross and Fraser Reid


Interior design room: Designers: Nick Ross and Fraser Reid

Barbara Stanwyck



Barbara Stanwyck

(via Watching Shadows on the Wall)

(Source: http://watchingshadowsonthewall.wordpress.com/tag/barbara-stanwyck/)