Bush of Iron Seat by Nacho Carbonell

bush of iron by nacho carbonell 01
the seat of bush of iron by nacho carbonell

Eindhoven based Nacho Carbonell became instantly famous when he sold all of his work at Design Miami a few years ago and was designated designer of the future all of a sudden. His work is more conceptual than practical, but fun nevertheless.

Until the end of April some of his work is featured in the new Ron Arad designed Holon museum in Israel. The exhibition is curated by his “Design Mother” Lidewij EdelKoort who herself has now discovered social media with a new integrated site Trend Tablet.

Via Designboom.

Alphabet Loungers by Tabisso


Recently we featured the Alphabet Chair by Dutch Designer Roeland Otten. France based Tabisso approaches the Alphabet and the chair more from a promotional point of view: Promote your brand with their Alphabet Loungers…

Via TABISSO – Chairs.

Toy by Rossi Molinari

Toy by Rossi Molinari

Toy by Rossi Molinari


Toy by Rossi Molinari: As if designed yesterday, but the real year of design is 1968. Hat Tip to Rossi.

Cat by SerraydelaRocha for Calma

Just as a true cat should, the Cat chair by SerraydelaRocha “lives in balance and harmony with nature, prepared for survival and respectful of its environment.”

Woopy and Snoop by Karim Rashid for B-Line

Designer Karim Rashid has created this rotational-moulded chair for Italian furniture brand B-Line. Called Woopy, the hollow plastic chair is moulded in one piece, and can be used indoors and outdoors. An accompanying footstool, called Snoop, has two pockets reaching into its legs and can be stacked to form a bookshelf.

As usual, lots of color and eye-pleasing shapes! What’s interesting is that Karim’s website calls Snoop a table, but I guess if it’s good enough to be stacked and thus turned into a shelf, one might as well use it as a stool, as Dezeen suggests. Woopy, on the other hand, exists both as a chair and as a tall stool.

Via dezeen.com