Laundry Chair (1): by Jess Corteen


I was looking into the Thonet no 14 Project and found the idea for a laundry chair by Jess Corteen. It reminded me I used to toss my dirty laundry behind a colossal wing chair during the week and to collect it in the weekend to take it to the laundry when I was a student myself (eons ago). Jess simply designed a laundry bag as a practical foldable chair seat that you can stuff the laundry in and collect in after a couple of days. The idea intrigued me, so I did some research on the laundry chair and will share a couple of different views on the subject in the next posts. Stay tuned.

Waterfall Bench by Tokujin Yoshioka

Waterfall Glass Bench by Tokujin Yoshioka

Via Spoon & Tamago I rediscovered an eye twitching glass bench by Japan based designer Tokujin Yoshioka: the Waterfall Bench which was presented in 2010 at the occasion of the Museum beyond Museum event in Korea, but originates back from 2002. And I’m a bit sad I didn’t have enough time to explore his exposition in Cologne at the occasion of his appointment of Designer of 2011 by the prestegious German A&W Magazine.

Oink – Pig Couch Hillhock by Pavia Burroughs

Pig Couch by Pavia Burroughs
Discovered this pig couch by Philadelphia, USA, based Pavia Burroughs via Moggit. Pavia designed it for her senior thesis show.

It was on Etsy, but disappeared there.

Last edited by Guido J. van den Elshout on December 1, 2011 at 12:45

Loopy Chair by Phillip Grass

loopy chair by phillip grass
And offering you another one for “Yellow Sunday”: Loopy Chair by Phillip Grass.

Globetrotter and chair designer Phillip Grass seems based in Copenhagen these days. He studied:

  • Cabinetmaking in Hagen, Germany, 1996-2000
  • Wood sculpturing in Elbigenalp, Austria, 2000-2002
  • Sculpturing at the university of the arts in Bremen, Germany, BFA 2005
  • 3D Modeling and rendering at the Copenhagen polytechnic in Denmark, 2007, and
  • Furniture design at Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, ri, USA, MFA 2010

He’s also his own online Gallery

Radiator Chair by Jeroen Wesselink

RAdiator Chair by Jeroen Wesselink
Radiator Chair with Jeroen Wesselink

Jeroen Wesselink is a Dutch designer based in Utrecht, The Netherlands. Apparently he was inspired by Rietveld‘s Zig Zag chair when designing this radiator chair. Again a yellow chair. Let’s call this Sunday Yellow Sunday:-)