Super Limao Cardboard Chair 2

Carton Chair Super Limao 2

Brasilian Based Super Limao has a couple of nice cardboard chairs.

Super Limao Cardboard Chair 1

Carton Chair Super Limao
Super Limao Cardboard Chair 1
Brasilian Based Super Limao has a couple of nice cardboard chairs.

Copy your butt with the iBum Chair


Japanese designer Tonomy Sayuda explains it as follows:

I believe that human buttocks are one of the less discussed and focused part of human body. In this “iBum” project, I would like to reveal the visual of this less popular part of body without notice. The chair reveals human unconsciousness and reality. When audience sit down on the chair, a scanner on the top of chair start to scan people`s buttocks automatically. Then the scanned image is printed out from the right hand side of the chair. A sensor is detecting people`s existence all the time. So people will not realize the existence of the scanner. Without notice, the photocopy of the bum will arrive next to the chair.

I believe it’s a hilarious mirror for humanity. She must have been inspired by Yoko Ono who in the sixties produced her famous buttocks film.

Via Gizmag. They comment rightfully that around christmas and maybe also around April’s Fool Day in the Western world the usual office prank is to copy once butt with the danger of ending up with a butt full of glass splinters. Thus the designer’s assumption is not completely right!

Monobloc Plastic Chairs site revived


There are people who hate them, but at least one person I know loves them dearly: German Jens Thiel of Functional Fate [Ed: Unfortunately the site has disappeared]. I wrote earlier about Jens. Recently he mentioned that he had revived his blog and I promised him this post.

Kos is an Greek island. It is part of the 12 Dodecanos islands in the Aegean Sea just near the Turkish coast.
After a short occupation of the island by the Venetians and the Genoans, Kos came under the control of the Ioanniter knights in 1314 and was ruled by them until the Turks kicked them out in 1457. These knights built strongholds and one of those forts is still a ruin next to Kos city’s harbor where I took these photos when on holiday last year and thinking of Jens’ passion. “A strange place for monobloc plastic chairs” I thought.

Strange place huh? Jens feel free to copy!

Last edited by gje January 2017

Ted Keynote celebrating Charles Eames' 100th Birthday by Grandson Demetrios Eames

2007 Ted keynote in remembrance of Charles Eames’ 100th birthday by grandson Demetrios Eames