Cul Stool is cool by ABR
About the birth of ABR a new Catelan (Spain) based furniture “Publisher”
The arrival of a new furniture publisher is significant in Spanish design.
Designers are nothing if they do not have a company willing to put its money where its mouth is by producing their designs. Therefore, the arrival of ABR is welcome. This new company, which has been undergoing preparations for just over a year, is a publisher. This is different to being a manufacturer. In the field of design, the publisher is an extremely Catalan component whose forerunners include such distinguished brands as Bd Ediciones de Diseno, Santa & Cole and Mobles 114, historical examples of our country’s design. ABR operates in the same way as they do: it does not have its own factory and seeks the most suitable industrialist or provider for each project. That may be on a nearby industrial estate or as far away as China. This is the only way to operate if the publisher does a little of everything and the same catalogue offers lamps, flowerpots, furnishings, shelves, hangers, seats and even the Virgin of Memory.
The managers of ABR (an acronym of ABReviatura or abbreviation in Spanish, a name that was acquired from an old Barcelona company) is Marc Hernandez, and Toni Pallejà (Porcuatro Studio), who was educated at the Eina school, carries the creative design baton. Marc holds a degree in business sciences from Pompeu Fabra University and outside office hours he is a resident DJ in Razzmatazz, Barcelona. Both were born in 1979.
I would rather call it a Label
Noticed the site disappeared from the Internet…
Last edited June 5, 2013
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