Chair Seat Installation by Softline Allkit – IMM Cologne 2012 (11)

Chair Seat installation by Softline

Chair Seat Installation by Softline Allkit

I loved this chair seat installation at the 2012 IMM Cologne booth of Softline Allkit from Italy.

Monobloc Installation

Monobloc Installation


Updating City (theorem). 2000-2010. Ernesto Oroza, 2000-2010 (Cuba)
Founded metal bars chairs, monobloc plastic chairs, metal bars.

(Source: Ernesto Oroza)

Splatter Chair 1 by Richard Artschwager

Splatter Chair 1 by Richard Artschwager

Splatter Chair 1 by Richard Artschwacher

Found this piece at Designbooms article still life with chair – installations and manipulations of the undemanding object. It is part of the MoMa Collection.

Chairs in a Mirror by Ron Gilad


Chairs in a Mirror by Ron Gilad.

Also found on Cubeme