![Cardew Royal Albert Wicker Chair Teapot](https://i0.wp.com/chairblog.eu/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/cardewroyalalbertwickerchair.jpg?w=840&ssl=1)
Paul Cardew Royal Albert Wicker Chair Teapot
![Paul Cardew Pormierion Chair Teapot](https://i0.wp.com/chairblog.eu/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/cardewportmierionchaircat.jpg?w=840&ssl=1)
Paul Cardew Portmierion Chair Teapot
I didn’t know china chair teapots existed, but they do.
About Paul Cardew, Master Teapot Maker
Over the last fifteen years Paul Cardew has established himself as the world’s preeminent designer and producer of collectible teapots.
His talents have also been widely recognized by museums art galleries and the British Tea Council for whom he designed a special range of teapots in the late 80’s.
His obsession with producing ever more imaginative and intricate designs has remarkably not sent him “potty”. His youthfulness and energy bear witness to the naturally reviving qualities of tea.
You can find more about Paul Cardew and more of his chair teapots at the site Cardew Club
The photo’s of this post are borrowed from Trojan Horse Antiques & Collectibles