Folding the Chair Flag by Gareth Moore

Folding the Chair Glag by Gareth Moore

Folding the Chair Flag by Gareth Moore

Estimate * €2,000 – €3,000 ($2,722 – $4,082)
Sale 2836, two in one. contemporary art from witte de with & de appel
20 May 2009, Amsterdam

Gareth Moore (CANADIAN, B. 1975) Chairflag
broken chair, wood, caning, glue
113 x 33 x 3 cm.
Executed in 2009.

Artist’s Resale Right (“droit de Suite”). If the Artist’s Resale Right Regulations 2006 apply to this lot, the buyer also agrees to pay us an amount equal to the resale royalty provided for in those Regulations, and we undertake to the buyer to pay such amount to the artist’s collection agent.
Christie’s charges a premium to the buyer on the Hammer Price of each lot sold at the following rates: 29.75% of the Hammer Price of each lot up to and including €20,000, plus 23.8% of the Hammer Price between €20,001 and €800.000, plus 14.28% of any amount in excess of €800.000. Buyer’s premium is calculated on the basis of each lot individually.
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Gareth Moore lives and works in Vancouver. His projects often involve communities outside the domain of contemporary art. He has been described as an archeologist of the present and he invites the public to discover his work unexpectedly, often through some element of unconventional choreography. He has had recent solo exhibitions at CCA Wattis Institute of Contemporary Arts, San Francisco (2008); Witte de With, Rotterdam (2008); Belkin Satellite, Vancouver (2007); Art Basel Miami Beach, Miami (2006); and Charles H. Scott Gallery, Vancouver (2005). Group exhibitions include The Museum, Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin (2008); The Theater of Life, Galleria Civica di Arte Contemporanea, Trento (2007); Door Slamming Festival, Berlin (2007); and KölnShow 2, Gallery Daniel Buchholz, Cologne (2007). Upcoming exhibitions include Nomads, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa (2009) and Gareth Moore, Luettgenmeijer, Berlin (2009).

At Christie’s

Chair instalation Gelitin


Gelitin | Design Milk
Via UN Tumblr of @Esaukessler who sez:

Chair mashup. (Guido van den Elshout AKA @HappyHotelier will appreciate this)

Just happen to be sketching some ideas for this local competition

Thanks UN!

Chair Installation In the Woods by Karen Ryan

Chair Installation In the Woods by Karen Ryan 2

Chair Installation In the Woods by Karen Ryan

British designer Karen Ryan has sent a series of images showing the development of her latest project, called In The Woods.

Via Dezeen | In The Woods by Karen Ryan

Chair Installation by Marc Andre Robinson


Myth Monolith (Liberation Movement), 2007
132 x 168 x 84 inches
found wood objects
Marc Andre Robinson

Found at pan-dan: Marc Andre Robinson

At Lower Manhattan Cultural Council I found more about Marc Andre Robinson:

Originally from Los Angeles, Marc Andre Robinson received an MFA from the Maryland Institute College of Art (2002), and completed the Whitney Independent Studio Program. He was an artist-in-residence at the Studio Museum in Harlem and at The Rock Tower in Kingston, Jamaica. He has exhibited at venues including the New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York; Socrates Sculpture Park, New York; Contemporary Museum, Baltimore; and Centre for Contemporary Arts, Glasgow. Robinson has been featured in Artforum International Magazine, Art News, Vogue, The New York Times and other international publications. He will have a solo exhibition at the Steve Turner Gallery in Los Angeles in September 2009.

Last edited by gje on November 27, 2009 at 12:22 PM

The Red Chair Project

RED CHAIR, 2009 EDITION from Teemu Määttänen on Vimeo.

Via: Teletekst is Dood