Revisited: Erika Winters – Mexican Chair Redesigner

Erika Winters Logo

The logo from Erika’s Blog


The nice Polka Dot upholstery fits wonderfully with this 60ies style chair.

Erika Winters Polka Dot

But also with more dated chair design…

Erica Winters Polkadot coroflot2

A model like this will “sell your work”  undoubtedly. More of this please!

I introduced you to Erika Winters earlier on February 21, 2008. Since then she has been very active.

  1. She has enhanced her Design Shop website Erika Winters Design
  2. She has uploaded many of her re designed chairs and sofa’s to her Coroflot Portfolio
  3. She even has started a blog

I would like to make a couple of suggestions to Erika:

  1. Do away with the flash on your site…it is much too wild and not functional.
  2. Also see to it that one can find your complete portfolio on your own site as well as on Coroflot
  3. If possible combine your site with the blog. That gives you an opportunity to create a historical narrative about your portfolio..
  4. In any case bring the design of your blog more in line with the design of your site
  5. Do give us more photos of your portfolio with yourself as a model. I believe you do sell
  6. I love the polka dot upholstering you were using here which shows us it is usable both for more ancient chair design and pure 60ies chair design.

I hope Erika doesn’t mind me a to be a bit critical. What are your thoughts?

2496 Carbon Fiber Chaise by Giovanni Pagnotta

2496  Carbon Fibre Chaise by Giovanni Pagnotta 1k

2496 Carbon Fibre Chaise by Giovanni Pagnotta 4k

2496 Carbon Fibre Chaise by Giovanni Pagnotta 2k

2496 Carbon Fibre Chaise by Giovanni Pagnotta 3k

Giovanni Pagnotta, based in Mamaroneck, USA, was so kind to send me photos of some of his projects. Among those his 2496 Carbon Fiber Chaise.

Funny Chair Picture (Mystery Chair 004)

But the big question is: Who dunnit?

Via Funny picture

Fine Art PHOTOGRAPHY: Selina De Maeyer

Seline de Maeyer
A lady lost in a peacock rattan chair

Fine Art PHOTOGRAPHY: Selina De Maeyer