Metro Station Seatings in Athens

Greek Orthodox priest sits

Metro Station Seatings in Athens

Again working on my Metro Station Seating series. Had to share this one.

A Greek Orthodox priest sits on a bench in an Athens metro station. (Aris Messinis/AFP/Getty Images)

via The Baltimore Sun.

Little People and Metro Station Seats

Little People and Metro Station Seatings

Little People Project and Metro Station Seatings Overvieuw

Little People and Metro Station Seats

I’ve been following the Little People Project from time to time with keen interest. A tiny puppet is placed in an ordinary situation and photographed closely. The second photo gives the perspective. Very funny sometimes

Via Little People

Green Fracture Chair by Ineke Hans

Green Fracture Chair by Ineke Hans_MG_2666

Green Fracture Chair by Ineke Hans

This is one of the chairs that was auctioned at Venduehuis The Hague. I didn’t feature it yet. You could say I’m in a clean up mood. The chair didn’t sell…