Red Smile by Peter Harvey

Red Smile by Peter Harvey

In dire need of some bright chair design these dark days. Found it in my pinterest stream.

Top Posts November 2012

1) 600 views: Hang-On Bauhaus Special Chair by Rogier van Camelbecke:


2) 399 views: Artful Dodger by Sam LOmingshum:


3) 370 views: Blind Clinker by Rob Brobbel:

Blind Clinker by Rob Brobbel

4) 348 views: ECAL: Rocking Chair That Knits You a Hat While You’re Rocking:

5) 317 views: Wingback Redesigned by David Rasmussen:


The best of Chair Blog November, 2012

Still based on our Feedburner stats.

For the first time in many months I’ve not posted the Half October- Half November top posts as I was still busy with our new Dutch blog about the city I live in: The Hague which also in the first half of November took a lot of my time. Its pace has been set now and less of my time is required. So I can pick up posting here again.

In return I’ve smuggled a bit, because I’ve counted one October post, number 1, as a November post.

So less posts than would be normal. Less posts also because I’ve still not finished the revamping the lay out of the site with a new version of the Thesis theme for WordPress. I’m still going backward an forward: When you see blue links, we’re back at Thesis version 1.8.5. When you see red links we’re on Thesis theme 2.0.2.

Google Analytics shows the following for November:
Visits: 30,926 vs 44.787 (-32.0%) in the corresponding prior period.
Pageviews: 71,735 vs 103.929 (-31,0%).

I don’t know what happened: All of a sudden, after a peak of almost 8,000 pageviews on November 8, manly due to our Sam Tailor Wood post which now ranks second in our all time favorite posts, Google started to send less and less people to us after November 14, 2012. Daily pageviews dwindled from 2,500 to over 3,000 to roughly around 1,000 thereafter. Again a new algorithm by Google? I wouldn’t know.

And some Miscellaneous stats:

Stay tuned!

Scheveningen Boulevard Chair

Scheveningen today

One of my contacts put this nice image on Flickr. I like to share it with you. Recently Scheveningen, the beach resort of The Hague, got a new lay out of its boulevard.

Multilingual Chair by Toshiyuki Kita

Multilingual Chair by Toshiyuki Kita
The Multilingual Chair by Toshiyuki Kita is part of the Moma chair collection.

Via Pinterest.

Low Chair by Martin Olsen

Low Chair by Martin Ohlson 1930
This Low Chair by Martin Olsen from 1930 was sold for £30,000 at Phillips de Pury & Company in the September 27, 2012 London Design auction. I believe that to be a hell of a lot of money for this chair.