Engineering Temporality by Tuomas Markunpoika Tolvanen

Engineering Temporality, a mini collection of a cabinet and a chair, by Design Academy Eindhoven graduate Tuomas Markunpoika Tolvanen is a tribute to human fragility. The project evolved from Tolvanen’s personal experience with his grandmother’s declining health due to Alzheimer’s:

“Her Alzheimer’s disease is unraveling the fabric of her life, knot by knot, and vaporizing the very core of her personality and life, her memories, and turning her into a shell of a human being.”

Tolvanen used tubular steel as the main ingredient of his creations, he then cut the tubes into small rings and joined them back together to form a semi-covering layer over existing objects. Then, he burnt them:

“My pursuit was to give an object a memory, create tension and stage a play between the perfect, anonymous mass produced structural material and the imperfect of human being. The shell that is left caresses the vanished object, the memory of it, referring to the past.”


Montmartre Chair by Jonas Wagell



Montmartre Chair

Stackable, Yellow and other colors available. By Jonas Wagell

Vitsoe 601 Easy Chair by Dieter Rams

Vitsoe 601 Easy Chair by Dieter Rams
Dieter Rams did not design many chairs, but because he influenced Steve Jobs to a great extent (think I (-pod -phone and -pad), he and his designs will become more important.

via Vitsœ furniture – Seating – Vitsoe 601 easy chair.

Desk Chair by Charles Rohlfs


Desk Chair, ca. 1898-99, oak, 53.9 x 15.9 x 16.8 in., with Anna Katharine Green. Photo Michael W. Davidson and Florida State University, promised gift to Metropolitan Museum of Art by American Decorative Art 1900 Foundation.

I stumbled on this overview of furniture designed by Charles Rohlfs in American Craft Council American Craft Council and wanted to share it with you.

Shopping Cart Lounge Chair by Mike Bouchet


Shopping Cart Lounge Chair

Via Design Boom.