In-Line Chair is a Wheel Chair by Ronnie Stubbs

As promised I would feature the inline chair that I found. The only one is this In-Line Wheelchair by Ronnie Stubbs, an ex rolerblade fanatic who after he got a skating accident was confined to a wheelchair. He designed this in-line wheelchair, actually more like a bike, to be able doing the same sort of tricks he used to do on his rolerblades…
Via Junk Brothers News

Arms Chair by Oleksandr Shestakovych

Arms Chair by Oleksandr Shestakovych
Arms Chair by Oleksandr Shestakovych 2

With a paraphrase to a prior post one could easily call this an arm in cheek chair: The Arms Chair – or should it be Arm’s Chair? – by Ukranian designer Oleksandr Shestakovych. Thumbs Up!

Via Behance

Tongue in Cheek by Peter Harvey

Tongue in Cheek chair by UK designer Peter Harvey is inspired by the spirit of late 60’s and 70’s pop and is part of a limited edition collection where each chair is signed and numbered. The original wooden model of Tongue in Cheek was sold at auction in N.Y. in 2006 for $30,000.

Materials: UV resistant Polyester gel coat for exterior use, supported on polished stainless steel base and internal support.  Also available with a polished chrome base and internal support.

Dimensions: h 86cm w 50cm d 70cm

Colour options: Red, White, Orange, Pink, Yellow, Purple, Blue and Lime, other colours to order

Price: Chrome base: 4500.€ limited edition:50 pieces /Steel base: 4950.€ limited edition:50 pieces


Rocket Chair by The Rocketman

Rocket Chair

Fly in a chair? According to The Rocketman it is possible…

Built in 2005, the world’s only flying Rocket Chair is powered by a 500lb Thrust Hydrogen Peroxide Rocket Motor. It burns 7 gallons of 90% Hydrogen Peroxide in approximately 45 seconds of flight.