Corner Chair by Theo van Doesburg’s Friend Thijs Rinsema

Corner Chair by Theo van Doesburg

Corner Chair by Theo van Doesburg’s Friend Thijs Rinsema

Originally this was the third part of our mini series about Theo van Doesburg (click for part 1 and part 2).

However there is doubt that these chairs were designed by Theo van Doesburg himself. One of our readers pointed out the threesome was designed by Thijs Rinsema, a friend of Van Doesburg.

Chair by Theo van Doesburg or Thijs Rinsema?

Chair by Theo van Doesburg
As we have the habit of publishing one type of chair per post and I had 3 photos of a chair designed by Theo van Doesburg I rather share my second photo immediately after the first post about him.

Armchair by Theo van Doesburg’s Friend Thijs Rinsema

Armchair by Theo van Doesburg

Theo van Doesburg is probably, like the Guardian said last year at the occasion of a Van Doesburg Overview in London’s Tate, ” The Forgotten artist of the avant garde“.

He was born as Christian Emil Marie Küpper in 1883.

Together with Piet Mondriaan (or Mondrian) who he met in 1915, he was one of the founders of De Stijl in 1917, both a magazine and an art movement.

He worked 2 years in Weimar at the Bauhaus under Walter Gropius and with Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. Also clear is that he influenced (and got influenced by) both Piet Mondiaan (or Mondrian) and Gerrit Rietveld who were members of De Stijl as well.

I took this photo in December 2007 when I visited Museum Belvédère near Heereveen, about 1.5 hr driving north east of Amsterdam.

Moody Series by Hanna Emelie Ernsting

Moody Bag 2011, photo courtesy of

The seating series “Moody” by the designer Hanna Emelie Ernsting follows the idea that “form follows moods” and consists of three pieces: Moody Couch, Moody Nest and Moody Bag.

Moody Couch kkaarrlls (limited edition) 2011

The origin of the concept is the observation that in the modern world people forget to relax and this is where the Moody series comes in, inviting the user to “express feelings and “let go”. This kind of letting go leaves traces, causing the product to change and adjust to the moods of its user by taking various shapes and forms – the product becomes ‘alive’.

Moody Nest 2010

Watch the Moody Nest in action following this link!


Hay LC2 or Naked Confort Chair by John Angelo Benson

Naked Comfort by John Angelo Benson

And so pointed Fabio Novembre me to John Angelo Benson, who combined hay and a petit confort LC2 frame by Cassina to create this Naked Confort Chair.