Tube Chair by Erik Stehmann

Tube Chair by Erik Stehmann
Dutch designer Erik Stehmann likes to bring color and playfulness in his designs.
Via Design Milk.

Low Lounge Chair by Matthew Hilton

Low Lounge Chair by Matthew Hilton
Low Lounge Chair by Matthew Hilton.

Matthew Hilton was born in Hastings in 1957. He graduated with a degree in Furniture Design from Kingston Polytechnic in 1979. In 1985 Matthew set up the Matthew Hilton Design Studio

Mid 50ies Thonet Mystery Easy Chair – Solved

Mystery Thonet USA Chair IMG_9789

Thonet Industries INC., USA, mid 50ies wood and steel Mystery Chair.

From time to time readers ask me for help identifying a chair. Alas I’m just an amateur, a chair lover, but not so much a chair expert. Sometimes I post the photos and ask my readership for help and sometimes they do give great help.

The Label, or tag, under this mystery chair is interesting

Tag Thonet Industries INC. York USA Mystery Chair

It reads:

Do not remove this tag under penalty of Law
All New Material Consisting of
Foam Rubber
REG No. PA. 3373

This article is made in compliance with in act of Dist. of Col approved July 3, 1926; Kansas approved March 1923; Minn approved April 24, 1929; New Jersey revised statutes 26; 10-6 to 18

Certification is made by the manufacture that the materials in this article are described in accordance with the law

Sold by(blank)

Date of Delivery(blank)

Distributed by: Thonet Industries, INC.
One Park – Avenue New York 16, N.Y.
Factory: York PA

Thonet Industries, INC

I vaguely knew that there has been a large Thonet factory in the USA. I remember reading somewhere about the demolition of the leftovers of such factory. I’m glad the reader sent me this photo, because until now I had thought the US factory was located near New York City. Not true, they had a posh showroom at 1 Park Lane in New York City, NY. The factory was in York, PA, USA.

Via a blog post of the York Blog I’ve now learned that the factory burned down in 1993:

Leftovers from the Thonet Industries INC factory in York PA USA

This 1995 photograph shows the burned out Thonet Industries complex two years after the fire, one of the largest in the past two decades in York County.

After the aside:
It is not clear to me whether Thonet Industries only sold its own product or third parties product as well. It would not surprise me if a lot of history of the US Thonet saga has been lost with the burning down of the factory

Anybody an idea about the chair?

As per our kind comment below:

Not really a mystery. This modular lounge group #4390 first appears in the Thonet USA catalogues in 1959 and continues until 1972. Available in many configurations, with and w/o arms and table inserts it has wood rails and natural or gold anodized aluminum legs. Your photo is of model #4391 and appears to have the gold anodized legs.

 Update 2:

thonet usOne mistery chair leading to another mistery chair: The one bought by commenter Brian.

Thougtwood Chair by Rob Davies

Thougtwood Chair by Rob Davies 3
Thougtwood Chair by Rob Davies 2
Thougtwood Chair by Rob Davies
Rob Davies, based in Devon, U.K., has created the Thoughtwood furniture label.

The thoughtwood chair was designed and made as an experimental piece for the thoughtwood brand. Its design was primarily conceived having previously explored forms created using the simple repetition and binding of just one shape. Further exploration into the effects of complicating the original shape in addition to the variation in surface and pattern brought about the finished prototype.

Due to its diversity in any client specification, ease of reproduction and durability, the thoughtwood chair is able to find a comfortable home in countless environments from dining rooms to public gardens.

This piece was commissioned and sold for £545.00 (each).

About Rob Davies

Born in 1986, Rob Davies – thoughtwood’s head designer maker – graduated from the University of Portsmouth having obtained an honours degree in three-dimensional design. Here he was taught and practiced the fundamentals in art and design. The study of form amid function, scale, mood and environmental relationships became most important to him.

After graduating, Rob enrolled at David Savage’s world-renowned school of fine furniture making. Here he was intensely trained in traditional furniture making techniques and the use of its appropriate tooling. Working primarily with wood, Rob learnt the skills required to materialize his unique design thought in accordance with the individuality of a clients need.

With everything considered necessary to begin, thoughtwood was created in 2009.

Tina L. Stool by Florian Kallus

ina L Stool by Florian Kallus
Tina L Stool by Florian Kallus 2

As Florian says: “This is not a lamp”

Florian Kallus
… was born 1983 into a German family
in Bonn, West Germany. After finishing
school he did a carpenter’s apprentice,
which evoked his passion for form, function,
technique, material and design. Momentarily
he lives, studies and works in Münster, Germany.

In his creative work he focuses on pieces of furniture and objects.

Via Florian Kallus.