Sofa by John Vesey (1960)

Sofa by John Vesey (1960)

Amazingly this 50 years old and well used sofa by John Vesey fetched $ 55,000 ( over one thousand dollars per year) at Wright

Wave Sofa by Giovanni Offredi

Wave Sofa by Giovanni Offredi

Just sold for $ 1,000 at Wright this Wave Sofa by Giovanni Offredi.

Thin Windsor Chair by Richard Dobra

Thin Windsor chair by Richard Dobra

Thin Windsor Chair by Richard Dobra

Richard Dobra is a New Jersey based artist whose work often challenges conventional ideas of art and reflects the concepts of the Dada movement. Drawn to the symbolism and meaning imbedded in common chair forms, Dobra created a series of works that play off notions of design, function and their relevance to human form. The series was first presented at the Morris Museum in 2001.

Estimate: $ 1,500 – $ 2,000
Result: $ 1,000

Via Wright

Botolo Rolling Chairs

Botolo rolling chairs

Botolo rolling chairs

A set of 6 Botolo rolling chairs by Cini Boeri was just auctioned at Wright for $2,600.

Ash Chair by Wharton Esherick

Ash Chair by Wharton Esherick
Ash Chair by Wharton Esherick

Ash Chair by Wharton Esherick (1967)

A simple beauty of a chair as Grant points out in the comment below.

Just in from Wright

Auctioned at: $7,500.

Was estimated at: $5,000- $7,000.