Chairs by Rick Owens

Chairs by Rick Owens 1
Chairs by Rick Owens 2
Chairs by Rick Owens 3
Chairs by Rick Owens
In one way or another I found Arren Williams‘ blog, and more in particular, his Fashionable Seat post. One huge disadvantage of Arren’s blog is, apart from page navigation, it doesn’t offer tags or categories or a searchable archive and on top of it the search function doesn’t operate very well. On the other hand, Arren does offer inspirational chair stuff from time to time . A little search resulted in a nice post of the 3Rings blog about Rick Owens, a Los Angeles fashion guy working in Paris who had designed some chairs for his own studio, which attracted attention from some furniture design aficionados. I also found other posts referring to Rick Owens on He Seems Nice.

Two Red Chairs at Two Columbia Road

Two Columbia Road is a London based gallery specializing in a broad range of collectible furniture, associated design, works of art and photography from Scandinavia, Europe, and North America. Sometimes they have extra ordinary chairs for sale.

Here are two clearly Dutch 20ies Red Chairs they offer for sale. However 2 Columbia Road attributes them to the La Haye School, which to my view is wrong. The La Haye School is French for Haagse School or Hague School which is only about painters and not about furniture. Maybe they should be attributed to a member of De Stijl Group whose most prominent Chair designer was Gerrit Rietveld. Maybe this is a design by Theo van Doesburg or by J.J.P. Oud, both members of De Stijl who also designed chairs.

Furniture Society and the Siblings Bench by Libby Schrum

I came across the website of the US Furniture Society It has an annual conference with exhibitions. It has blogs, but Showing is maintained best. Although it has no public member list, it is possible to learn something about who is who in the furniture craft in the US, also from its FaceBook Page.

Between their photos I found this beautiful Bench Siblings by Libby Schrum. It was on exhibition at the 2010 Conference at MIT. Unfortunately I haven’t discovered Libby’s own site, because I’m curious about other work she may have made.

I also noticed that I have featured some prominent members of this esteemed association here on Chair Blog already. There will be more in the future.

To give you an impression what they do, I give you here a couple of posts about the 2010 conference:

Ah, thanks to Brian Fireman‘s comment here below, I looked again and found Libby’s Website

Update 2
And I have to share this funny video by Hayami Arakawa:

Furniture Society Conference 2010

Uploaded by Hayamit. – Onafhankelijke web video’s.

Last edited by Guido J. van den Elshout on November 30, 2011 at 11:58 AM

Proliferation Chair by Eun Sang Ernie Lee

I saw the Proliferation Chair shortly after Eun Sang Ernie Lee had put it to his (hers?) portfolio over at Coroflot Portfolios, which is a very good place to go to get some chair inspiration from time to time.

Take a reclaimed chair, decorate it with cotton balls and you can get this strong image.

Update: Apparently the portfolio link is not working anymore.

Last edited by Guido J. van den Elshout on November 30, 2011 at 10:39 AM

Peacock Chair by Frank Lloyd Wright

Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959, USA)

Peacock chair for the Imperial Hotel,Tokyo, c,1921-1922

Oak frame with seat and back upholstered in oil cloth

Via 64 C H A I R S.

As the number of posts grow and grow, it is more and more necessary to be able to find a specific piece of information back.

The author of 64 Chairs is one of my very early chair inspirators on this blog. There are many more inspirational gems hidden in my blog. Therefor I’ve created the chair inspiration category.

This Peacock chair was especially designed for a famous hotel that has disappeared since. Your’s truly is a hotelier himself. Many more chairs have specifically been designed for use in the hospitality industry. In addition there are those in the hospitality industry who don’t care a lot about design….I believe they should be made aware there is so much more fun when you apply furniture that represents some thought given by a designer. Therefore I’m introducing also a new category which is coined Hotel Bar Restaurant or Nightclub Seating. From those I’m sure I have mentioned examples already here in the blog, even without being aware of the fact.

You’ll see both these categories grow from time to time.