Furniture Society and the Siblings Bench by Libby Schrum

I came across the website of the US Furniture Society It has an annual conference with exhibitions. It has blogs, but Showing is maintained best. Although it has no public member list, it is possible to learn something about who is who in the furniture craft in the US, also from its FaceBook Page.

Between their photos I found this beautiful Bench Siblings by Libby Schrum. It was on exhibition at the 2010 Conference at MIT. Unfortunately I haven’t discovered Libby’s own site, because I’m curious about other work she may have made.

I also noticed that I have featured some prominent members of this esteemed association here on Chair Blog already. There will be more in the future.

To give you an impression what they do, I give you here a couple of posts about the 2010 conference:

Ah, thanks to Brian Fireman‘s comment here below, I looked again and found Libby’s Website

Update 2
And I have to share this funny video by Hayami Arakawa:

Furniture Society Conference 2010

Uploaded by Hayamit. – Onafhankelijke web video’s.

Last edited by Guido J. van den Elshout on November 30, 2011 at 11:58 AM

How to Kung Fu build a Xiaolin Rocker Chair by Hayami Arakawa

I tried to find more on the web on Hayami Arakawa. Found no website of himself, but he should make one albeit for the sole purpose of this hilarious video.

Ah but there is a blog about another work from him: Intellectual Circle

Last edited by gje on September 20, 2010 at 11:21 PM

Intellectual Circle Bench by Hayami Arakawa

The Intellectual Circle
I found this Intellectual Circle Bench by Hayami Arakawa on the site of the USA Furniture Society.

The Intellectuals Circle seating arrangement promotes a non-linear outlet for intellectual discussion. Participants sit opposing each other around a circular structure, overlapping slightly at the shoulder. The idea behind this type of seating arrangement is to encourage a clear form of verbal communication without visual cues or theatrics between participants.