Indexhibit (1) – Eric Ku

As I saw Eric Ku (see for his chair Mission no 2) do, I see designers and artists present their portfolios online using Indexhibit from Index and Exhibit, which is

A web application used to build and maintain an archetypal, invisible website format that combines text, image, movie and sound.

Originally it was developed by Daniel Eatock in collaboration with Jeffery Vaska who resides at tatiret.

They estimate the web application has been applied over 10,000 times already. It is a cheap way of promoting your portfolio for a designer.

Ah and here is another user: Tom Higgs

Mission No.2 : ERIC KU – Puzzle Chair

Cardboard Puzzle Chair (with 2 meanings) by Eric Ku:

An inspiration from the American contemporary artist Joseph Kosuth, One and Three Chair.

Instead of giving a new definition, I redefined the concept of a chair by using the alphabet. One is able to construct a chair by assembling the redesigned alphabet.

And here Joseph Kosuth’s One Two Three Chair installation that Eric used as his inspiration:

Kosuth’s work is all about meaning:
1) The word chair explained 2) A photo of a chair and 3) a real chair, all put together in one installation.

Via Mission No.2 : ERIC KU