Natura Morta by Alexa Meade


You wouldn’t believe your eyes. Would you? If I only showed you the first two photos, like me, you would think “Chair Painting”. The third photo proves us wrong:

Alexa Meade is a US based artist who paints her models strikingly real for her installations and then makes photos of them…

Flattened Thonet by Pablo Reinoso

Flattened Thonet by Pablo Reinoso

Flattened Thonet by Pablo Reinoso


pablo reinoso

Remnant Chair by Drew Daly

Drew Daly Remnant Chair


Deconstructing Chairs by sanding them down new? No, Seattle based Drew Daly did it already in 2004/2005.

I wasn’t able to pin a website to Drew other that that he had expositions at Seattle based Greg Kucera Gallery and a nice interview with Seattle based Art Blogger Joey Veltkamp (by his surname of Dutch ancestry).

Subject, Object, Abject by Jaime Pitarch

Subject, Object, Abject by Jaime Pitarch

We’ve shown you Dissolving Objects by Astrid Bucio and the Recession Chair by Tjep, believing it was new. Not so! Barcelona born artist Jaime Pitarch applied the idea already in 2006 with his Subject, Object, Abject.

Via Spencer Brownstone Gallery.

Acrobat by Jeff Coons

Acrobat by Jeff Coons
Acrobat by Jeff Coons is a funny way of using a chair to balance an inflatable lobster.

via Wikipaintings