Lounge Chair by Vittorio Varo

Lounge Chair by Vittorio Varo

Lounge chair in luxurious Italian leather by Vittorio Varo.
Via Tendancehightech and via Freshome

Air Lounge System by Fabio Novembre

Air Lounge System by Fabio Novembre for Meritalia

via Freshome

Capitello Seat

Capitello Seat

Capitello by Heller doesn’t look as a seat, but is one is a piece of furniture that I really like. When you look at this chair from distance you might not realize that is a chair, that’s why I like it because his roman colum shape is quite intruguing. Capitello can be used for seating or as a stand alone sculpture, indoors our outdoors ! This cult classic from 1971 adds a witty accent to any indoor and outdoor space: lounge, terrace, cafe, waiting room. You can get the Capitello chair for $980.00 from here. (via Roman Chair Sculpture – Capitello)

Plupp Sofa by Kati Meyer

Removing or adding, flexibility is key to the sofa furniture “Plupp” designed by Kati Meyer.This is the futuristic sofa model of the company Brühl imagination. The highlight of “Plupp” are the many slot options, with the assistance of the flexible, padded backrests almost limitless combine.

via Freshome)