Boxing Glove Chair

The Boxing Glove Chair is a comfortable piece of furniture shaped as you can see as a boxing glove. I’m sure that boxing or kick boxing fans would like to have a chair like this while they are watching a boxing match. It looks good, is comfortable, and if you favourite fighter is not doing good you can throw a few punches to this glove. The Boxer’s Chair comes in a cream and red “boxer feel” faux leather upholstery.

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Plupp Sofa by Kati Meyer

Removing or adding, flexibility is key to the sofa furniture “Plupp” designed by Kati Meyer.This is the futuristic sofa model of the company Brühl imagination. The highlight of “Plupp” are the many slot options, with the assistance of the flexible, padded backrests almost limitless combine.

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Replica 1957 Chevy Couch

Replica 1957 Chevy Couch

The Replica 1957 Chevy Couch looks awesome, and I’m sure that is a great choice for someone who loves cars, not just for chevrolet fans.

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Take a Seat by Jelte van Geest

I’m more inclined to coin this concept the Chair Di Dog

The Take-A-Seat is a chair concept that follows you wherever you go designed by Jelte van Geest. For instance if you’re in a library and you are a member of that library as you can see in this video. You hold your membership-card in front of the chair and from then on you have a seat that follows you around. This is a concept visualisation made by Jelte van Geest for his graduation project at the Design Academy Eindhoven. I think that this chair will remain a concept because people really don’t need to be that lazy, and I’m pretty sure that this chair would have huge problems following people in most houses. Now let’s see a video this interesting concept.

via Freshhome

Sitscape by Hackenbroich

Sitscape by Hackenbroich.

The „Sitscape“ is a seating zone with a length of six meters. The form transforms the usual use of a couch. The design is based on specific seating positions and smooth transformations between them. Based on the preferred relaxing positions of the client we generated six basic positions and formed a perfect fit for them in the “Sitscape”. Consequently, the “Sitscape” provides familiar possibilities for relaxing. The transitional areas between these positions are undetermined in their use.

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